Usually in Flash, when you are working inside a symbol, an arm for example, it's a little annoying to preview what is happening in the whole body outside. This Plugin gives you a preview window that shows all your animation. Also, you can play your scene looping the range of frames you select, play it slow motion and more!
Open the Plugin by clicking Window/Other Panels/[T] Preview Plugin.
After picking a Stage, Layers or Symbol, press the Update Preview button when you want to update the animation in the Plugin window.
If you turn the Auto update option on, the animation in the Plugin window will update every time you roll the mouse over the Plugin.
Press the Pick Stage button. Your whole animation in your file will be loaded in the Plugin window.
Picking Layers
Select one or more layers.
Press the Pick Layers button. The animation in the selected layers will be loaded in the Plugin window.
Picking a Symbol
Select one instance on the stage.
Press the Pick Symbol button. The animation in the selected symbol will be loaded in the Plugin window.
Important: Actions in the movie can intervene in the Plugin window. Prefer to use graphic symbols.
Dragging the Plugin Viewport
You can relocate the animation for better viewing. Click and drag the Plugin viewport.
Zoom In and Out
Press the button "-" to zoom out your animation in the Plugin viewport.
Press the button "+" to zoom in your animation in the Plugin viewport.
Using the Red Marker
Click and drag right and left the red marker to roll frames in your animation.
The red marker is used to roll through your animation 20 frames before and 20 frames after. It is like moving the Flash red mark. The animation in the stage will update as well as in the viewport.
Using the Gray Arrow Marker
Click and drag right and left the gray arrow marker to roll frames in your animation.
The gray arrow marker is used to roll through your entire animation. Only the animation in the viewport will update.
Using the Brackets
Click and drag right and left brackets. When you press play, the viewport will show only the range selected. You can use the loop playback option to loop the range selected.
Slow and Fast Motion
Press the FPS button to change the speed of the playback. You can choose 0.25x, 0.5x, 1x, 2x and 4x.
Play/Pause your animation.
Jump to the first frame.
Jump to the last frame.
Step back one frame.
Step forward one frame.
Loop Playback Option
Turn the loop playback option on to loop the range selected.
Update Stage Option
If the update stage option is enabled, the stage will update when you move the red marker or the gray arrow marker. When you press play, only the animation in the Plugin viewport will update. To update the animation while playing, select the Flash stage and press Enter.
Low Resolution Option
You can turn the low resolution option on to improve the the playback speed accuracy.