Sound Syncher

This Plugin provides you a second timeline that you can play/scrub inside a symbol while listening to the main timeline audio. You will never need to copy your audio layers inside your symbols anymore.

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Loading the sound

Open the Plugin by clicking Window/Other Panels/[T] Sound Syncher.
Edit in place any symbol. Press the button "Load Sound". This will store the main timeline sound inside the Plugin.
If the option "Refresh frame offset" is enabled, the plugin will look for the symbol start frame (if your symbol starts at frame 46, for example). Uncheck this option if your symbol starts at frame 1 of the main timeline and the sound will be loaded faster.



Due to the synchronism of the animation, use always "graphic" symbols.
Use the sound always in Stream mode.

Playing the sound inside a symbol

After loading the sound, click on the play button to play the animation while listening to the main timeline audio.
If the option "Loop playback" is enabled, the animation will be played in loop respecting the number of frames of the main timeline.

Scrubbing the timeline

Roll the mouse over the Plugin timeline and click/drag the mouse to scrub the timeline while listening to the main timeline audio.

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